6th Training Science Congress

Poster presentations should cover topics related with “Training Science”. Abstract should include the sections of title (all caps), authors, address, purpose, methods, results, discussion, conclusion and key words (minimum 3 – maximum 6). Use Times New Roman font, size 12 and 1,5 line spacing. The abstract must not exceed 300 words.

Abstracts should be emailed to evrim.unver@hacettepe.edu.tr till 15th June 2015. After assessment of Scientific committee, acceptance letters will be sent until 20th June 2015.

Participants who have poster presentation must be registered to congress. One participant can present only 2 poster presentations. Participants, who do not pay the congress fee and sent their receipt to evrim.unver@hacettepe.edu.tr until the date of 25th June 2015, will not be included to poster presentations program and congress book.

Posters must be placed on the board at the presentation date and hour which will be announced with the congress program. Authors must stand next to their posters during presentations. Presentations are limited with 5-7 minutes and should not exceed 10 minutes with discussion.

  • The poster should have designed size of 70 cm x 100cm and portrait orientation.
  • Please use one of three fonts (Times New Roman, Arial or Courier).
  • Title must be written bold with 48 font size.
  • Names of author(s) must be written bold with 36 font size.
  • Author(s) address must be written with 28 font size.
  • Subtitles should be written bold with 24 font size.
  • Text must be written bold and 24 font size..
  • References should be written bold with 16 font size
  • Posters should be organized as below;
  • -Introduction/purpose



    -Discussion and Conclusion

  • Introduction and purpose section is limited with 5-6 short sentences explaining purpose of the study.
  • Methods should be explained by using references.
  • Results should be presented under appropriate titles by using tables and graphs.
  • Discussion and conclusion sections must be shortly.
  • Posters must be readable and understandable.
  • Authors are responsible to print their posters.
  • References should be shown as below.
Reference Representation Examples

1-One Author
Nolen SB. (1988). Reasons for studying: Motivational orientations and study strategies. Cognition and Instruction, 5, 269-287.

2-Two to six authors
Nolen SB, Haladyna TM. (1990). Motivation and studying in high school science. Journal of Research on Science Teaching, 27, 269-287.

3-More than six Authors
Haris M, Karper E, Stacks G, Hoffman D, DeNiro R, Cruz P, et al. (2001). Writing labs and the Hollywood connection. Journal of Film and Writing, 44(3), 213-245.

Baumeister RF. (1993). Exposing the self-knowledge myth [Review of the book The selfknower: A hero under control]. Contemporary Psychology, 38, 466-467.

Eisenberg N, Strayer J. (1987). Empathy and Its Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6-Edited Book with an Author(s)
Plath S. (2000). The Unabridged Journals. (KV Kukil, Ed.). New York: Anchor.

Bayar P. (1983). Atletlerin Kişilik Özellikleri. Unpublished master's thesis. Ankara Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.

8-Online Articles
Kenneth IA. (2000). A Buddhist response to the nature of human rights. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 20 Şubat 2001, http://www.cac.psu.edu/jbe/twocont.html.